Bashing the Obama/Bush-Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex

Recently there was an Obama bashing post on “Friends of Sewanee Creek” our private website.  It was one of those chain emails that get mindlessly forwarded by people with a particular point of view.  Upon checking Snopes, it was found to be at least a partial fabrication.  No surprise.  One of the site members, a conservative, remarked that he was tired of the Obama bashing.

I responded:

I agree that the energy being expended toward “Obama or ANY bashing” is mis-directed. This is not to say that Obama deserves our admiration or support.  Only that the focus on Obama is a carefully manipulated distraction from the real issues.  Obama is a puppet.  So is congress. Both are dangerous to our liberty and to the peace of the world.


The US government and virtually all governments are thoroughly
corrupt from the top down

The global military-industrial-congressional complex are collectively the problem because

The global military-industrial-congressional complex are firmly in power because
corrupt from the bottom up.


Please re-read the statement between the bars and think about it.
It’s simple cause and effect.
No solutions will be evident without a clear understanding of the problem.

Whether overtly religious or not, few people practice Christ’s teachings of charity, love and service either on a personal level or national policy level . Hence, Republicans who are supposedly the party of the religious right continue to support aggressive war and imperialism under the false flag of democratizing the world. But if you listen carefully to their rhetoric you will find the real motives are based on self-preservation of our standard of living over the rest of the world – grass roots greed and power.

No single individual is to blame for the world’s problems. It is all of us together. Therefore, No form of bashing will accomplish anything but distraction from the real problem that lies in each individual heart.

I am convinced that we are now beyond the point of no return where political activism using the levers of democracy can be effective.  Hence, while I pay attention to the theater of politics for cues, I believe that our only salvation is in the moral character of individuals.

Never has the saying, “All politics is local” been more true. We must begin with personal morality and by that I do not mean sexual morality, although it is certainly included.  For an example of effective political action that can turn the tide, I look to Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, the writings of Henry David Thoreau and especially the example of Jesus Christ.  The most effective non-violent movements start by restoring moral judgment to a large, critical mass of the population.

Short of achieving such a mass conversion, the only solution is to work with converted, small, local communities.  If you can’t control the world, control yourself, then your personal environment. Perhaps if I prove to myself that I can discipline myself, then influence a small community, I can gradually regain the hope that leads to faith that leads to power, to change the world on a larger scale. That’s what Gandhi did. Until then, I have no right or reason to hope for anything better.

3 thoughts on “Bashing the Obama/Bush-Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex

  1. I agree. Bottom up change starts from within…and thru the success of small community efforts.

    However, elections matter on all levels. Defund the beast and he will go elsewhere.


    • Provocative prescription!

      But to adequately “defund” the beast did we adequately define the beast? If the beast is wealth and power, is it a prerequisite that we first defund the beast at the local level? That is, eliminate materialism at the source – me?

      Naaah, that’s too hard. Lots more fun to attack the symptoms than the cause. Let’s all take some oxycodone and get together in the morning. We’ll be in a better mood to go after the symptoms and defend, er, defund the beast.

      I had a good time with the word play 🙂 But seriously, we need to act on all levels. Not to put too fine a point on it though, let’s cleanse the inner vessel before we try to put new wine in old bottles. Lest we end up with something like Libya – deposing the dictator to be replaced by Al Quaeda “freedom fighters”.


  2. Pingback: I am curious about the Conservative concept of “Socialism” « Under The LobsterScope

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